SCRUM and KANBAN are two of the most popular ways to implement Agile practices within software development teams. SCRUM has prescribed roles and ceremonies and focuses on delivering small batches of potentially releasable work in short time-boxes. KANBAN focuses on visualizing work, flow, and limiting work in progress. Both place an emphasis on CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT.

While both have been shown to be effective, the question many LEADERS face when starting to adopt Agile is: which one should we use? Teams often get hung up on deciding, and in many cases, select a framework which may not suit their team or environment. What is even worse, they switch to another framework when the framework they chose isn’t working as well as they had hoped — without giving any thought to the underlying cause of their problems.

Teams who don’t take well to the rigidity of SCRUM may find freedom in a KANBAN system, while those who need additional insulation from upper management may need the buffer of a Scrum master and Product owner.

Majority of our Consulting Assignment, We would recommend starting with one system and paying careful attention to the feedback from your team.

If you start with SCRUM but hear about issues around meetings and processes, KANBANmay be a better choice. Alternatively, if you try the KANBAN system first and your team seems adrift, the structure of Scrum might help.

For teams completely unused to Agile methodologies, the ritual and constancy of SCRUM may offer them a sense of security. KANBAN is more often adopted when SCRUM begins to break down, and so may be a good second iteration of Agile development for some teams.

It’s quite possible that a hybrid system is really going to work the best; that’s what most of the team has found. they maintain the structure of the SCRUM approach without its rigidity.

The Key Factors to decide whether your teams should use SCRUM OR KANBAN, fall into one of two categories:

1.     The team’s maturity

2.     The expected level of change within a project.

After DUE DILIGENCE, What We would recommend is if your team is relatively new to Agile OR the work that is expected during a project is relatively stable or predictable, it may be easier for the team to adopt SCRUM. On the other hand, if the team is expecting high levels of change OR if the team is at a high level of maturity and can optimize flow and take full advantage of CONTINUOUS DELIVERYKANBAN would be a better fit.

The most important thing is not to try and force your team into a system that isn’t right for them. Agile is about constant improvement, and that goes for your processes as well as your products.